I’m back peasants and this time… here to stay. Last semester was absolute shit so I decided to take a little break from the posts. I think it was a mix of having the worst possible classes and the stress that came with it. BUT, now I’m taking classes that I WANTED and am living my best life. I am no longer tutoring for the easiest math class on campus, but am tutoring for calculus! Well pre-calculus, but let’s not focus on the “pre”.

Oh honey I am still a Trader Joe hoe, and have been trying TONS of new items so be prepared for the endless posts. Woo! There was a point in December where I tried to do YouTube, but it just didn’t work for me. I actually had a few videos all edited and ready, but it didn’t feel right. Now I know I am a damn hoot (basically meaning that i'm hilarious, which I am), but after watching the videos back, I felt that my reactions were super ingenuine. Anyone that knows me from highschool knows that I’d do anything to end up on a big screen, but when it came to being myself on screen, it wasn’t working out. Honestly, I prefer hiding behind my computer screen… but, if someone wanted to cast me for a movie then I’m down lol.

Well, there’s my life update… WELCOME BACK TO MY BLOG BITCHES


  1. Great one and I am looking forward to FOOD blogs especially since I have stuffed myself all week. Cousins were visiting and we have eaten ourselves across Florence......Hugs


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